History of Windridge Coatings
Based in Kent with a background of design and build steel workboats, developed for fishing and salvage operations. The finishing of these vessels generated an extensive knowledge of heavy-duty wet paints for the marine environment.
As the fishing industry diminished, Windridge Coatings was established in 1986. Achieving a good reputation for powder coating and wet painting large structures, Windridge Coatings became an approved applicator for TML (Channel tunnel) and London underground.
Determined to build on these strengths, in the early nineties we built the largest box oven in the UK for powder coating in Kent. After two extensions it remains the largest box oven for this type of work.
Windridge Coatings has pushed back the barriers:
- Being the first to powder coat large structural steel.
- One of the first powder coaters to use powdered zinc enriched primer.
- Pioneering the Tri-Resin Powder Coat System.
- Patenting a thermal insulating powder coat.